Sunday, March 25, 2018

Hello Again!

Sorry for the lonnnnnng delay in posting.... but WE MOVED! We are officially back on the other side of the planet. When I was a kid we used to do super cool things like dig holes. What were these holes for? Who knows? But, you can guarantee there was a joke made about that hole going all the way to China. Well everyone, if you really could dig a whole to China, you could come visit us!

Its been a roller coaster of a year. When I first started this blog I was not in a good place. I was safe, I was fed, but I wasn't happy. WE weren't happy. Both my husband and I decided that the life we were living in America wasn't for us, at least not now. Who knows what the future will bring... not me. We did what we could to try to make things work. We applied for other jobs. I took other jobs. But, it still wasn't working. 

We got an offer to go teach abroad again. We are living in the same city we were before. We are actually on the same campus. We are working for a different company though. This was NOT an easy decision to make. We were unhappy and knew we needed a change. But, was this going to be the change we needed?? So far, I can say yes. This was definitely the right decision. I get to see my husband everyday. I get to socialize here. We have the opportunity and time for travel. So far, so good. 

All this being said, of course we miss our friends and family. WE ARE SO LUCKY to have such wonderfully supportive people in our lives. We have people who genuinely want us to be happy, no matter where we are in the world. 

So, we did  it. We chose happiness. We may not have a lot of money. We may not know where life is going. But, we have each other and we are happy. I wish all of you happiness. I hope you continue to follow us on our journey through life. 

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