Sunday, January 7, 2018

New Year, New Life

We have officially completed week one of the new year. Go us! The only resolution I made this year was to find more happiness. This hasn't been something I've struggled with in a long time (think typical sullen teenager). I have always been the type of person to find the silver lining in situations, to the point where I've been told its annoying. But, that never stopped me. Until this past year. I just got tired of being "beaten" down. It seemed like everytime something good would happen in life, something bad (often 2 somethings) soon followed. For example, after Ed got his first job in America the company he worked for soon started having layoffs and his car broke down and I was exhausted from working two jobs. So, we went from YAY a job... to just kidding, no work for you and double work for the wife...oh and you have an extra expense now too!
Thats all about to change. Ed and I are making positive life changes. Life is still very stressful and we still barely see each other. But, we are doing something about it. I won't quite tell you what yet... you'll have to keep reading to find that out. We aren't going to sit around here though, complaining that we don't like our situation and do nothing about it. 
So, here are my silver linings from the week. I tried a new recipe that I had to mess around with because I didn't have all the ingredients and it turned out great. I got to Facetime with my parents multiple times this week, which is not something we usually have time for. I got to spend some time with both sets of grandparents, whom I am lucky to still have in my life. I also got to have lunch and chat with my Aunt. Because of the holiday in the beginning of the week, I was able to spend a chunk of time cleaning the house (now we just need to keep it this way). And most importantly, even through stress and tears I have an amazing husband who I get to go through life with. 
I hope you all can find the silver linings in your life. Its hard, I know, but they are there. And if you can't find them... make them. 

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